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Adafruit Industries LLC

Adafruit Industries LLC

Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. In the last 10 years, Adafruit has grown to over 100+ employees in the heart of NYC with a 50,000+ sq ft. factory. Adafruit has expanded offerings to include tools, equipment, and electronics that Limor personally selects, tests, and approves before going in to the Adafruit store. Adafruit is a 100% woman owned manufacturing company, a certified Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE), a certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE), and WOSB.
Datasheet Image Part Number Manufactures Stock Description View
2219 2219 2219 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 TFP401 HDMI/DVI DECODE 40PIN TTL
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5335 5335 5335 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 CP2102N FRIEND USB TO SERIAL
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269 269 269 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 EVAL BOARD FOR MAX31855
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3328 3328 3328 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 PT100 RTD TEMPERATURE SENSOR AMP
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2162 2162 2162 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 UNIVERSAL QI WIRELESS CHARGING T
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3249 3249 3249 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 NEOPXL8 FEATHERWING FOR FEATHER
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1616 1616 1616 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 PCB FOR 4X4 KEYPAD & 3MM LEDS
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3305 3305 3305 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 TFT CONVERTER 50PIN TO 40PIN
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4267 4267 4267 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 I2CDRIVER BY EXCAMERA LABS
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4268 4268 4268 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 SPIDRIVER BY EXCAMERA LABS
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1749 1749 1749 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 TINYG CNC CONTROLLER BOARD V8
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1716 1716 1716 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 BOARD QUALIA BARE DVR LP097QX1
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2218 2218 2218 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 TFP401 HDMI/DVI DECODE 40PIN TTL
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1590 1590 1590 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 RA8875 DRIVER BOARD FOR 40P TFT
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4410 4410 4410 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 LIPOLY BATTERY CHARGER W/USB C
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1304 1304 1304 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 MICRO USB LIION/LIPOLY CHARGER
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757 757 757 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 EVAL BOARD 4CH BI LOGIC CNVTER
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1904 1904 1904 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 LI-ION LI-POLYMER CHARGER BOARD
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1063 1063 1063 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 AMP MICROPHONE ADJUSTABLE
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3296 3296 3296 Adafruit Industries LLC 5000 DS1307 REAL TIME CLOCK BOARD
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